Frequently Asked Questions

How to Stick Your Suction Cup Holder to Your Sink

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Dry off the Suction Cups and an area on your sink wall

2. Stick the suction cup to the side of the wall (Use a little bit of tap water to help the suction cup stick).

3. Place your Scrapper in the holder

4. Your sink now looks better and functions better

Troublesome Method

1. Dry off the Suction Cups and an area on your sink wall

2. Place a little bit of Vaseline on the suction cup and stick it to the dry sink wall.

3. Do not touch for one hour

4. Place your Scrapper in the holder

5. Your sink now looks better and functions better


Still have questions, contact and we will help you sort this out.

How to Put a New Knob on Your MrScrapper

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Twist the current knob counter-clockwise (to the left) and unscrew it until it comes completely off

2. Take a new knob and twist it clockwise (to the right) until it is tight. (Or make it tight enough with the knob facing the correct direction so you can show off your style)

3. Now, you have a brand-new knob ready to use. Put it in your holder, and it will be ready when needed!

Possible Problems

1. Your knob may be the wrong size and won't screw on. Simply take your scrapper to the hardware store or any store that sells knobs and ask for a knob that fits. (Virtually all knobs are the same size and should fit, so you shouldn't have this problem)


Still have questions, contact, and we will help you sort this out.

How to Plug The Disposal Drain

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Place Scrapper into disposal drain

2. Turn the water on

3. Watch the sink fill with water

Benefits of Filling Your Sink

1. You can thaw your food

2. You can soak dishes in soap

3. Your kids can play with their toy boat


Still have questions, contact and we will help you sort this out

How to Push Food Waste Into Garbage Disposal

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Turn the water on

2. Turn the garbage disposal on

3. Push food into the garbage disposal

4. Watch your food disappear in front of your eyes

Benefits of Using the Scrapper

1. No more scratching your sink with a fork

2. No more touching soggy food waste

3. Less contamination from your dirty food hands touching towels, faucets, door knobs, and other surfaces

4. Save your fingers from getting caught in the garbage disposal blades


Still have questions, contact and we will help you sort this out.

How to Prep Dishes For Washing

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Turn your water on

2. Take your scrapper in one hand and your dishes in the other

3. Over the running water use the scrapper to push food off your dishes

4. Watch the dish come clean and ready to go into the dishwater

5. MrScrapper is dishwasher safe, put the scrapper in the dishwasher if its dirty too

Benefits of Using the Scrapper

1. No more scratching your dishes trying to get food waste off. The scrapper is made from a rubber blade that doesn't scratch

2. Your dishes will only be easier for the dishwasher or for you to wash


Still have questions, contact and we will help you sort this out.

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